Creativity Affect Longevity

Sunday, September 16, 2012 | 00:01
Creative Person have a chance to survive longer than most other personality types.

According to the study, the human personality is divided into 5 types of the most common; readily agreed, redundant, easy to panic, openness, and full alertness. Previously, no studies have expressed, people tend to panic easily personality short-lived, while the full awareness of the life attitude would prolong life.

A study in the Journal of Aging and Health suggests, the openness, the ability to entertain and flexible to new ideas, is an indicator of the ability to udia longer.

Ability to think creatively potent reduce stress and encourage the brain’s ability to keep the body healthy.

The study was conducted by Purdue University in Indiana, Massachusetts Veterans Epidemiology Research and Information Center, Boston, and Boston University Schools of Medicine, USA.

They studied about 1349 men between the years 1990-2008. During the study period, approximately 547, or 41 percent of men died.

Researchers discovered, rather than kecerdasar creativity, or at least openness, participants can reduce the risk of death.

Nicholas Turiano, one of the people involved in the study said, because it encourages creativity promotes healthy neuronal connectivity in the brain.

Apparently, open personality have to do with the amount of white substance of the brain. White substance of the brain helps connectivity between neurons in different portions of the brain.

According Turiano, brain training is an important factor for a long and healthy life.

Turiano also said people with creative personalities are better able to handle stress than other personality types.

Stress has long been known to be very closely related to various health problems, such as cardiovascular problems, immune, and even dementia.

When the pressure or stress, people with creative personalities tend to see obstacles as something that can be passed, while another personality, tend to see the problems / barriers as being difficult to pass.

This study is researching the people who are naturally creative and open-minded, but that does not mean people with different personalities will short-lived. This research emphasizes, creative thinking techniques, can actually reduce stress and brain training. It is advisable to try to train the brain to think creatively in order to live more healthy and long-lived.

Author: Medical Daily / Nadia Felicia

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